Holt Stress Management
Hpnotherapy for worry

Hypnotherapy for Worry

We’re born worriers. Scientists believe that our brains have evolved a “negativity bias”, meaning we’re drawn to threats more than opportunities.

This negativity bias was helpful for our ancestors, as they lived in an extremely threatening environment. Some were prone to unnecessary worrying, and upon hearing a rustle in the bushes, might fear the worst and think something like, “Sabre-tooth tiger! Run!” As a result, they were more likely to survive and pass on their worry genes down to us (even though nine times out of 10 the noise was probably just a squirrel!).

Furthermore, when we merely think about something that is worrying us, scientists have found that our brain and bodies react the same way as if it were REALLY happening to us. The Amygdala releases the ‘stress hormones’, adrenaline & cortisol, our blood pressure rises and we get ready to run, hide or fight. The imagined danger now becomes real in our bodies. Our body is simply reacting to keep us out of danger (imagined or not). Although we are safer than ever before, our brains haven’t adapted and they’re still constantly on the lookout for threats and reasons to worry.

Hypnotherapy has proven to be significantly more effective as a treatment for worry, anxiety & depression than antidepressants 1. It has far longer lasting effects as we change our thought patterns and learn to manage our fears, getting to the root of the problem, not just dampening the symptoms. Studies show Emotional Freedom technique reduces the levels of ‘Stress Hormones’ in the blood from 24-50% with just a few rounds of Tapping, amazingly fast & effective results!

Successful people are so because they believe they can succeed! Once we understand this we can start to use our imagination to benefit us with reassuring thoughts that make us feel happy, safe, confident and relaxed. We are in control of our imagination and therefore we can benefit from positive and useful thoughts, like imagining that presentation going well, imagining setting up your own business or being your ideal weight. The brain can’t distinguish between doing something or imagining doing something so visualising success can help fine tune your mind to achieve.


  • 1. Youssef, Simone, "Is Hypnotherapy an Effective Treatment for Depression?" (2013). PCOM Physician Assistant Studies Student Scholarship. Paper 141.
  • 2. Benson, H., Beary, J., & Carol, M. (1974). The relaxation response. Psychiatry. 19, 37. 37-45.6.
  • 3. Griffin J & Tyrrell “I Why we dream, the definitive answer” 2004